52 Years

of title iX

On the 52nd Anniversary of Title IX, join us in continuing the law’s legacy of equity by supporting the Fair Play For Women Act.

Use your Voice

  • Did you know that 52 years after the establishment of Title IX, women and girls still miss out on millions of opportunities in sport compared to men and boys?

    The Fair Play for Women Act is federal legislation that will strengthen Title IX and address persisting inequities by expanding reporting requirements, increasing accountability, and educating more students, coaches, and administrators about Title IX compliance.

    The Fair Play for Women Act was originally authored by our VIS Advocates, young women athletes who have experienced gender inequity in their sport and are passionate about leveling the playing field. You can read more about the bill here.

  • On June 23, 2022, in honor of the 50th Anniversary of Title IX, CEO Stef Strack and VIS Advocates united on Capitol Hill and announced their support for the reintroduction of the Fair Play for Women Act.

    Since the bill's introduction, the VOICEINSPORT Foundation and the VIS Advocates have met with over 40 congressional offices, hosted 4 Capitol Hill Day briefings, and gained the support of several organizations, non-profits, and professional athletes.

    This year, we returned to Washington ahead of National Girls and Women in Sports Day to share our VIS Advocate's personal stories of gender inequity in sports and support the reintroduction of the FPFW Act.

    The bill has gained momentum with several co-sponsors, but we need your help to fight for a stronger Title IX!

  • You can make a difference and advocate for gender equity in sport by contacting your representatives in Congress and asking them to sponsor the Fair Play for Women Act!

    Find your representatives here, tell them your story, and explain why the Fair Play for Women Act is important to you!