The VIS Advocate Program is an internship opportunity for athletes in High School & College. VIS Advocates will reinvigorate the integrity of Title IX through education, enforcement, and expansion of knowledge. Athletes join forces with their peers to create the largest grassroots initiative for girls and women in sport, ever.
Education + Advocacy = Change
VOICEINSPORT Foundation provides educational training and content on the latest Sport Science Research for women athletes and Title IX sport equity in public schools. If there is a topic you want to bring to your school to better serve women athletes, reach out to us and we will connect you with the top experts.
how athletes GET INVOLVED
Become An Advocate
Represent your school and join the leadership program. Learn about Title IX, advocacy and how to drive change as a community, together!
Get a group of 2-6 athletes together at your school and start a club that fights for change. Get tools, resources and access to community events.
We want to hear your story. Tell us about the inequities you may be experiencing at your school and help us bring more VISibility to the issues.
With our partners at VOICEINSPORT we offer free Title IX Trainings for girls in sport that join the VIS Advocate Program.
What does a VIS Advocate Do?
The VIS Advocate Program is a leadership program designed to give girls and women in sport a platform to advocate for gender equity in sport in their communities and across the country.
Advocates are educated by VISF about Title IX Compliance and gender equity in sport, attend monthly meetings, evaluate their schools for Title IX Compliance and create action plans to address inequities, create local VIS Chapters, and engage with VISF's national advocacy work.
The VIS Advocate Program is designed to fit into the student-athlete lifestyle, and asks for a general time commitment of about 1 hour per week. Read below to learn more about what the program entails.
The VIS Advocate Program meets once a month to discuss projects, program updates, and important issues in women's sports.
The main component of the VIS Advocate Program is evaluating your school for Title IX Compliance and advocating for gender equity in sport at your school.
VISF hosts monthly Title IX Trainings for our VIS Advocates to teach you about gender equity and Title IX Compliance. You are required to attend at least once!
Once you've completed the training, you can start evaluating your school for Title IX Compliance using our evaluation tools and guide. After evaluating your school's compliance, we will help you identify inequities and create an action plan to address them.
One of the best ways to make an impact is to organize women athletes in your community.
A VIS Chapter is a club you start at your school that advocates for girls and women in sport. Start a VIS Chapter at your school to build team of young athletes dedicated to advocating for gender equity in sport, and to simply create a safe space for girls in sport to connect and build community!
The Advocate Teams are specialized engagement opportunities you can join as a VIS Advocate. Each team has a specific role that assists with VISF's advocacy work.
You can join the Advisory Team, the Writing Team, the Policy Team, or the Content Team.
The Fair Play for Women Act is federal legislation going through Congress that aims to strengthen Title IX enforcement through data transparency, accountability, and education. The bill was authored by VIS Advocates, and members of the program continue to advocate for support for the bill by reaching out to their members of Congress and meeting with Congressional staff about the bill.
VIS Advocates also have the opportunity to design an advocacy initiative or women’s health research project of their own. We want to support your independent advocacy efforts and sports science interests, whether that be a research project or organizing a youth sports clinic for girls in your community. Let's make it happen!
Capitol Hill days
Sponsor a group of young women athletes to attend a Capitol Hill Day in Washington D.C and develop leadership skills in the VIS Advocate Program
Fund a local VIS Chapter and support young women athletes coming together to fight for change at their school.
Donate and close the gap for girls programs at public schools through the Micro Grant Program.
Fund a Title IX training at a school or for multiple schools in the US.

Make a donation.
Support the athletes in High School and College that are creating VIS Chapters at their schools to fight for equity in sport. Your donation will go directly to funding a new club, Title IX Training and the program at Public Schools across the country.